Monday 4 March 2013

Famous Spaceships

Even though I said I didn’t want to look at iconic spaceships, here are some that I particularly like.

The Borg Cube

The Borg Cube is a simple yet surprisingly intricate spaceship. It doesn’t fit in with the classic sleek and shiny spaceships because it doesn’t have to. We are in space and there isn’t any friction. It serves to look menacing and easily suggests the cold and brutal character of the Borg.

The Heart of Gold

I’m talking about the Heart of Gold from the newish Hitchhiker’s guide to the Galaxy film. This version is simple, sleek and stylish, resembling a giant eyeball. It possesses the infinite improbability Drive allowing it to travel extremely large distances in the blink of an eye, although with the side effect of turning into and creating anything randomly. What I really like about this design is the large, intricate engine. It just looks cool.

 The Millennium Falcon

The Millennium Falcon was cool because Han Solo used it. The spaceship went through several modifications and was rebuilt once. It looks like it was cobbled together out of old parts and its dilapidating exterior contrasts with the classic shiny spaceship look. The Millennium Falcon embodies its owner’s cool and laid back character making it one of the best spaceship designs.

The Flying Saucer

The flying saucer is the most iconic spaceship design to grace the film industry. Its classic look can range from the slightly kitschy to the downright frightening. Although it isn’t as cool as other spaceships, its role throughout film culture has defined what a spaceship should look and feel like.

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