Monday 20 May 2013

Breaking Bad Season Five

Season five part one of Breaking Bad sees Walt with no more boundaries. With the freedom to pursue his criminal career, he continues to get what he wants pushing the limits with what he can get away with. The cost of this is truly shown in season five. His relationships with people on both sides of the law become stretched to the point of breaking. After taking out his biggest competitor, Walt now sees himself as invincible. Although it is really interesting seeing how everything takes place and the acting and plot is fantastic, Walt feels slightly one dimensional. However it can be argued that this was the only way to portray the evolution of his character.

Although the lack of a bigger power over Walt removes some of the tension that the previous series possessed, instead season five tries to focus on the effect and cost of having this power. I was slightly worried that, since this is the last season, there wouldn't be enough episodes to develop and finish everything nicely. For me, the slow pace of the show developed the tension to breaking point, so I was worried that the pacing would be slightly messy in order to fit everything in. However, this was far from the case. Although there are minor points where it feels messy, the show still excels in this aspect.

Part one succeeds in pushing the series forward to a definitive ending. Although there are small slip ups here and there, it definitely lives up to its potential.

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